Galaxy Quest (1999)

Galaxy Quest (1999)

Q,  as interpreted by Spock,  played to perfection by Alan Rickman: In the most blackmailworthy performance of his career.

Captain Kirk, played by Tim Allen: In the most Shakespeaean role of his career.

My TV Guide Interview was: Six paragraphs about my Boobs!

He has captured our females: For his own demented purposes!

Set it on: Screensaver Two!

Can you form a: Rudimentary Lathe???!!!

But the animal is: Inside out!

You all have done: Far greater damage than I could have!

A much better movie than is generally given credit for. Could descend into camp at any moment, and it does descend into camp at *every* moment, but always does so knowingly and with surprising wit. Tim Allen acquits himself so well that you wonder if he was let in on the joke. Droll. Check it out.