The Bad News Bears (1976)

Believe it or not, there was a time when Hollywood could tell a story as well as any filmmaker in Hong Kong or Wakaliwood.

That time was as recent as:


And an example would be:

The Bad News Bears

Misfit children: Check!

Ex-ballplayer pool-cleaner Little League coach who pulls out a short-dog and tops off his can of Bud (while driving his Caddy convertible (which has been modified to serve as pickup truck by the removal of the trunk lid)): Check!

Vicious Fear-Strikes-Out father type enemy coach: Check!

(I have to pause these literary endeavors here and ask if they still have these guys as Little League coaches? I certainly remember them,,,)

Underdogs KO’d in the first round: Check!

Supernumerary misfits, including blonde girl fastballer and 11-y.o.-Harley-riding-ex-con Jock to the rescue: Check!

Big Game Finale: Check!

Life Lessons Learned: Check!

Kids Wiser than Adults: Check!

Greatest Ending Line in cinema: Check!

You forgot to sign the check!: Chico’s Bail Bonds, Denny’s, Pizza Hut!

Jews, Specs, Knickers and now you add a girl!: Big wow!

Don’t jump in, you’ll flood the Valley!: Ahh-Madd’s climbed the tree and he’s not coming down!

Practically every line from this movie is quotable.

It’s a film about children. It turns out that children are smart, tough and resilient. Perhaps the best film score in baseball movies, by some guy named Bizet (who I think may have originally worked for Bugs Bunny). Holds up after 47 years. Check it out! Memorize the lines!

Here is Bizet with the Looney Tunes Studio Orchestra conducting the Bad News Bears Theme: