Paterson: Way of the Mystery Train
Paterson: Way of the Mystery Train
Paterson: Way of the Mystery Train
Jarmusch? -- Jarmusch!
1950s breakfast table: check.
Paterson depicted a place of great beauty: They even show the falls.
And what else: No, they don't show the submarine.
Mailbox: Major character.
Marvin the Rose-Eared Bulldog: Major character.
Metal lunch box: Hard to find them now, but does its job.
Radio: Patsy Cline.
Music: Portentous.
Where did you find so many twins? -- Paterson, they're everywhere.
Beautiful women: Jampacked.
Mystery Train? Really? -- Yup, wait for it.
Seeing this flick put me in a great mood for the rest of the night. It will give The Handmaiden a hell of a run for the Best Picture Oscar. A+ Check it out.