Raising Arizona (1987)

Raising Arizona (1987)

Convenience store -- mug shots -- the Joint -- parole board: Times three!

Florence: reading Dr. Spock!

Get back in there and grab a baby!: Which one ya get?!

I dunno. Nathan Jr., I think: Gimme here!

He hands her: Dr.Spock!

We are now a family unit: Nikon L35 AF!

Primal-ooze prison-break-out birth-scene con thunderstorm: Check!

Pomade: Check! 

Honey: I'd like you to meet Gale and Evelle Snoats!

We just call him Junior: Welcome home son!: Where's he been?

That night I had a dream: The Lone Biker of the Apocalypse!!!

Left town to I ain't sayin where: They'll be back when we're a nuclear family again!

Why ain't you breastfeeding: You appear capable!

So many social engagements: so little time!

What'd he do: Fly straight down from heaven?

What's his name?: Uh… HI Junior: I love Biblical names!!!

Wait a minute! I told it wrong! Here, I'm startin' over: How come it takes three Pollacks to screw up a lightbulb?

I'm talkin about: Wife swappin’!

We finally get some decent people: And you break his nose!

Son you got a panty on your head:

Hang on, Nathan, we're going to take a shortcut!

Backyard man-dogs-cops-irate-wife chase scene: Check!

Grocery Store man-dogs-cops-irate-wife chase scene: Check!



You're acting like: A Mad Dog!

Snatch the Huggies up off the street from a moving car scene: Nick Cage's Finest Moment!

I guess the Missus wants us to: Clear out!

I know you're partial to convenience stores: But HI, the sun don't rise and set on the corner grocery!!!

Wanna find an outlaw, call an outlaw: Wanna find a Dunkin Donuts, call a cop!

As a pup I, m'self, fetched thirty-five thousand on the black market: And them's 1954 dollars!

Mandatory Mifune midair fly snatch: Check!

So I guess we'll be callin it: Glen Junior!

We ain't never gonna give him up again, Evelle: He's our little Gale Junior!

Gale grabs copy of: Dr. Spock!

Mean to say, iffen I freeze, I can't rightly drop. And iffen I drop, I'm a’gonna be in motion. See…: SHUT UP!

Snatch the baby up off the street from a moving Harley scene: Tex Cobb's Finest Moment!

Ed comes up with:  Dr. Spock!

Leonard Smalls, big fella rides a Harley: dresses like a rock star?

HI returns: Dr. Spock!

They usually say "No questions asked!": Shut up boy, nobody's going to call the authorities!

Everybody in the movie is in some kind of conflict with HI, except maybe the baby, but even the babies run him ragged in the beginning of the movie. 

Frances McDormand plays Dot, the boss’s wife. I just realized that for the first time after watching this movie for 35 years.

Classic. One of the greatest of the Coen flicks. Works on all sorts of levels crazy, but I’m not sure why! Love story? Black comedy? Heist flick? Caper film? Farce? Kinda like a Mark Twain story where he keeps coming back to the same thing. I’m sure everybody has seen it, but watch it again! Get a Wild Woodpecker tattoo, then, Check it out!